Look years younger in minutes with Dermal Fillers

Dermal facial fillers are designed to restore volume and fullness to the face to improve facial contours and soften wrinkles. The injection of dermal fillers creates a more youthful appearance, while also enhancing your natural beauty.


Dermal Fillers

Your health care professionals at Revive will help you determine which fine line filler is best for your unique needs and aesthetic goals. The Fillers used by Revive are all FDA-approved to restore volume and fullness to the areas being treated. This restored volume can result in a natural, more youthful appearance.

Dermal fillers will restore volume and fullness to the face to improve facial contours and soften wrinkles

Over time, the natural volume of youthful skin begins to diminish. Shadows develop in areas associated with volume loss such as the cheeks, chin, and temples. The prominence of wrinkles and folds such as parentheses lines and marionette lines begin to appear around the nose and mouth. Loss of lip volume is associated with flattening of the Cupid’s bow area, vertical wrinkles, and decreased volume and wrinkling of the red portion of the lip.

Areas that are typically treated with Dermal Fillers include


Also known as the tear trough area is gaining popularity in the world of fillers. Many people are hereditarily going to have dark circles under their eyes, leaving them looking tired and worn down. Tear trough fillers help women and men of all ages get the fresh youthful appearance they always desired.

Restylane_L hyaluronic acid injection is used to improve the appearance of sunken or dark circles of the under-eye area.

Only a highly skilled medical professional should perform this service that has extensive experience in injectables. The experts at Revive take every precaution to assure you will be the best possible outcome.

The results Under-Eye Filler

  • Brighter & refreshed under-eye area
  • Plumper under-eye area
  • Restore Youthful appearance
  • Immediate Results 

Cheek Filler

This popular procedure lifts and sculpts the cheekbones and adds volume back to the mid-cheek area. We begin to lose fat in our face in our 30’s which results in a deflated and flat appearance. Bone loss begins to occur in our 40’s resulting in a sunken or hollowed look. Restylane Lyft is used to restore cheek volume and give cheeks better definition and lift.

When strategically injected into the cheeks, it improves their dimensions by giving them greater volume and symmetry. Only an experienced medical professional should perform this procedure as it takes precise product placement and an artist’s eye to recreate the youthful version of each client.

The Results of Cheek Filler

  • Restored youthful appearance in the cheek area
  • Refreshed less tired appearance
  • Immediate Results 


Lip Filler has become one of the most popular filler services over the past few years. They have become synonymous with adding volume and plumping up the lips for a prettier pout. In addition to creating fuller lips, Lip filler can even out asymmetrical lip shape, reduce the appearance of fine lines on and around the lips, and are customizable based on the needs and desires of each patient.